My kids are taking a Mixed Martial Arts class. It's like UFC...have you seen that? I have and I think it's completely how my kids ended up in the same training, I'll never know. I did however tell Nathan, that my little boys will NEVER compete like that. No mama could stand to watch someone do that to their little boy, nor would I let my little boy do that to some other mama's little boy. My boys may know all the skills, but they'll never be allowed to actually use them. Except in a dark alley, at night, in the pouring rain, when someone is trying to take their wallet. Or I guess if one of my daughter's feels someone of the opposite sex has done them wrong...then look out...the brothers will be unleashed.
We had originally planned to enroll only Jentzen. We thought he would LOVE it as he loves to punch, kick, and pretend he's a fighter. He would be able to get a bit of that out in a controlled environment.
After practicing a bit with Jentzen during his introductory class, Quaid was hooked as well. Nathan has always said he wants our girls to be able to take care of themselves, so in goes Ava.
We figured if we're already bringing one, might as well bring them all. They are all in the same class as the same time. That sure beats running to 3 different things at 3 different times. They have a family plan...sort of like a wireless company. Add another line for only $9.95...turns out we added a line for Nathan as well...he's going to get in a bit of the action and take a few classes himself. He's a huge UFC fan. So much that we walked about 17 miles thru Vegas becuase we were too cheap to take a taxi to get to a hotel and stalked the fighters for their pictures while they were just trying to buy some chocolate. That's for another day.
They are LOVING much as I love a good cheesecake. There is nothing cuter than a 5 year old little fist coming at you with a, "Jab! Cross! Jab! Cross!" Surprisingly they seem to actually somewhat know what they're doing after only a few classes.
Of course I have to give a shout out to their great
teacher. I used to work with his wife at St Francis and she's great so I thought he must be too! We went to check out his place first. He has similar family values and opinions about life, and what he teaches. We feel awesome about having our kids fight with him :)
And don't forget about Keira. She stands on the sidelines and trys to mimic every move they make. She can throw her own little jab, cross, and sweep kick. When she turns 5, she'll get her own line too. Good thing is I don't have to teach her left and right...."Keira, it's the jab side!"
They look so cute.......guess they won't be cute when at 10 they can kick my ass!!!!!! Ha
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