Saturday, October 15, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Nathan turned 37 on Wednesday. I could go on and on about this huge rip-roaring party we had and the 100's of people that came to celebrate with us...but for those of you who know us well, you would know it's just plain not true. And I thought that to be a lot of typing just to say "just kidding" at the end.

The day came and went...I even ditched him to go play some volleyball with friends. Lame, I know!

Maybe that's what I love most. We don't need to make a big deal out of a particular day, he knows, hopefully, each and every day that I love him more than ever.

I was asked awhile back what I loved most about Nathan. I had to sit and think, and think, and think...not that I couldn't think of any reasons. The problem was more that there were 100 reasons why running through my head...and how could I choose just one. There were reasons when we were dating, then when we were first married, when we first had kids, when we had more kids, and then now. We have grown over the years.

The reasons I love and adore him continue to grow and change. We are different people than we were when we first got married, even different people than we were a year ago. I love that we have grown together. There's so much growing apart happening these days, but not us.

Nathan is constantly giving me just one more thing to love about him. I could go on and on with a list of all the attributes he has that I love. It is one thing to be great...but to have a desire to be greater...that is something to admire. He desires to be a greater husband, a greater dad, a greater friend, a greater student...and he has the confidence and knowledge to do just that. With that, there are no limits. I see it working out in his life everyday. That is what causes me to sit and stare at him every chance I get and think, "Man, I love that guy!!"

To my Man,
Every year gets better and better with you. There is absolutely no one I'd rather be with. I said it in my vows on our wedding day and I mean it even more today...You are God's best for me! Happy Birthday!


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