Friday, October 7, 2011

I love Kindergarten. I love to teach what each letter sounds like. I love to see them beam with pride as they remember each one.

Jentzen is in Kindergarten. He actually started in January. I loved that time....back in January. Teaching him the letters. But now he is technically to the actual learning to read part of Kindergarten. A part I do not love. Well I do love to see them learn...I guess it's a love hate relationship I have with it. As soon as I started with Jentzen it was an "oh yeah, I remember what this was like with Ava!" It goes something like this....

J: "The"

Me: "Yep, next word."

J: "I so know that word mom, that's so easy, I think I'll just skip it when I see it."

Me: "You can't skip words...then the story won't make sense!"

J: "Oh yeah, well I guess I can say it next time."

Me: " word."

J: "duck"

Me: "right, next word."

J : "Is that the duck right there? He is sort of a silly looking duck."

Me: "I guess, next word."

J: "What is his name mom?"

Me: "I don't know, let's read the story and find out."

J: "duck"

Me: "You just read that word, NEXT word....there."

J: "oh yeah I did. Are all ducks that color?"

Me: "I don't know...NEXT word!!"

J: "swam"

Me: "Yep, keep going."

J: "Is that duck swimming in the pond?"

Me: "Sure, keep going..."

J: "I like to swim mom. Remember when I was swimming in the lake! I put my head under without my life jacket."

Me: "Yes I remember, but we are reading now, not talking about swimming."

J: "Oh, yeah. But when are we going to go swimming again?"

Me: "Not till summer...NEXT WORD!"

J: "swam"

Me: "Jentzen, you already read that word, the next one, please read the next word."

J: "When is it going to be Summer?"

Me: "After spring, which it will be when we're done reading this page!"

J: "Really mom?!?! Is it almost Summer?"

Me: No, I was just being word!"

J: "So we don't get to go swimming soon?"

Me: "Jentzen....N.E.X.T. W.O.R.D.!"

J: "in"

Me: "Quick word, keep going."

J: "the"

Me: silently "Thank heavens! 2 words in a row!"

J: "the...there's that easy word again. I'm so good at that word mom...why do they even put that word in there?"

Me: "It has to make sense...if I said 'duck swam in pond' does that make sense?"

J: "No."

Me: "See, it has to be a sentence."

J: "What is a sentence?"

Me: "Oh nothing, just please keep reading."

J: "pond"

Me: "Good, keep going, keep going, keep going!

J: "His"

Me: "yep"

J: "Is that a boy duck?"

Me: "I guess."

J: "Is that other duck there a boy too?"

Me: "I don't know, keep reading and find out."

J: "name"

Me: "next word."

J: "What is his name?"

Me: "I don't know, but I'm sure they'll tell us."

J: "What if it's a girl name? That would be so funny!"

Me: "hysterical.....NEXT WORD!"

J: "is"

Me: "yep...go, go, go"

J: "swift"

Me: "Yes! GO, GO, GO!"

J: "What does swift mean?"

Me: "It means fast."

J: "Are all ducks fast?"

Me: "No."

J: "Well what ones are?"

Me: "That one right there. He's fast."

J: "What about that one? Is that one fast too?"

Me: "I don't know...but the story will tell us I'm sure, that's why we're reading. We don't know anything until we read."

J: "Oh, these words will tell us?"

Me: "Yes, that's what a story is."

J: "How many pages do I have to read?"

Me: "This one and the next one."

J: "That's a lot of words."

Me: "You're right it is! I bet Daddy would love to hear you read? Why don't we save it for you to read to Daddy later!"

J: "YEAH!!! I bet he would LOVE to hear me read!"

Reading with a 5 year old.....just 10 words....for the sake of my house, my other kids, and my own mental well is FOR SURE Daddy's turn!!!


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