Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The New Look...

So I've been bugging Nathan to make my blog look "pretty." I don't know how to change it, nor do I even want to attempt. So he finally did it.

I like it. It's sort of reminds me we live in the country, my favorite color is green , and that girl...she looks EXACTLY like me don't you think?? I love showing my mid-drift, lots of dangly jewelry, and I bet she's about 5'10"just like me!!! It's pretty scary really...someone must have gotten my picture!!

So really, all my readers....all 2 of you...what do you think????

PS: don't worry about offending Nathan, he's a big boy, he can handle it!


Grandad Gary .....(the Ledj) said...

I've never worried about offending Nathan, so what do you want me to say to him?? LOL

It's a nice layout Karen.

DWNUNDR said...

yep.. my joke kinda backfired... she liked it.. ha hah a

Melanie B said...

LOve it very groovy!!!! Can't believe how much I missed after 2 days!!!! Wheesh!!!

The Johnsons said...

what's funny to me is not the people that actually know and love you two, and are well aware that this chica doesn't exactly resemble karen and that of course nathan was the one to come up with the scheme...but the people that might happen to come across this blog and think that karen might actually look and dress like this and then one day meet her! (since she's never actually seen in any pics here) HA! I do really like the green....... Jess

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