Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Craft Day

I made a homeschooling goal this year to try and do "school things" like craft time. So I did a little shopping at http://www.orientaltrading.com/ (Mel you probably shouldn't look at this :) and got the kids some crafts. So here it is...
Little igloos with penguins...Cute huh??
And we made sugar cookies the next day and the kids got to decorate them. They thought it was the coolest.

And what does Keira do during craft time? If you take a look just to the left of Ava's head, on the kitchen table...from the bottom picture on up...you'll see her make her way right up to her favorite spot...that little monkey!!!


Melanie B said...

yeah that worked, I looked.....but luckily enough I know what I like and don't just buy for the sake of it these days!! LOL
Love those kids crafts though. The kids would love it.
Now knowing you are like me with being minimal.......what do you do with it all when it is done??? aaaaarrrrgggghhh
My kids flip out even if I quietly throw it away!!! (:

DWNUNDR said...

We have a whole empty unfinished basement to store all the crap... er crafts...

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