Friday, January 15, 2010

So I'm a morning person...definitely a morning person. NOT a night person. Which is sort of a drag because Nathan is a night person. After almost 7 1/2 years of marriage I'm still hoping that will change. Not that that has anything to do with this blog...but I'm just saying....I can hope can't I??

Anyway, my new work schedule has allowed me to be home more during the day...but that means working a few evening shifts. Night before last I worked 2:30-11pm. About 9pm is when I start to shut down...I grabbed for my coke to get me through the last few hours. Not that caffeine does anything for me...but I like to think it does.

Fast forward to the morning. I usually am up at around 5:15am...but not after I don't get to bed until midnight which is a good 3 hours past my normal bedtime. Sad I know...but I am 28...that's old isn't it??

It's 7:47...Ava comes in my room....

"Mom, can I eat?"

Like every good Mom, what did I say? "Not yet, I'm not ready to wake up yet. Go play or watch a movie."

So, out she went...we've trained them well :)

Then Quaid comes in 8:07..."Mom are you getting up yet?"

"Nope, not yet...go play with Keira." All while keeping my eyes closed and trying to stay as much sleeping as I could. By this point Keira is sort of making a little fuss because everyone else was up and she was still stuck in her crib.

Back to sleep I went but this is where I was really impressed with myself...I was fully dreaming but yet seemed to be fully awake and listening. I know because I was dreaming about being taken for a tour through this clothing manufacturer/retail store by none other than Bill Cosby, commenting on the huge bin of nice white socks that were going to be used as explosive carriers by the the Middle-Eastern folk (is that the P.C. term??) who ran the place...(It was a long night at work...don't ask!) All this while hearing the clinking of Lincoln Logs that my kids were playing with in the hallway, and monitoring their conversation to make sure they were all being nice to eachother...Pretty talented right?

Just then who comes plopping on my bed...Keira...hhhmmm last I checked she didn't know how to climb out of her crib...

Q: "Look mom...we got Keira out of her crib!!"

Me: "How did you do that?" (now unfortunately being fully awake)

Q: "Well, Ava jumped in and lifted her out and I grabbed her!"

Just then I see a giggly little girl who comes crawling across my bed turns and plops her bum right on my face, cheering herself along the whole way. Some wake up to fresh brewing coffee...not me...12 hour old diaper...Mmmmmmm that'll wake ya up!!

A: "Mom, the clock says 8...2...0...are you getting up yet??"

Me: "Nope, not yet!"

A: "Ooohhhh it's taking forever!!!"

The boys had made it downstairs by now running around the kitchen and the girls were on their way downstairs as well..

AAAHHHH sweet sleep once again...I was going to steal every minute I could! I close my eyes and start to drift back into dreamland...hoping there was something a little less disturbing waiting for me....

And then I hear from Quaid...

"Ohhh Jentzen...what did you do??? Keira!!!....STAND STILL!!!"

Yep, that was my cue....I guess they do need a parent!!


Debbie :-) said...

That is totally hysterical. I can picture the entire thing! I like the 8 - 2- 0 part :-)

Melanie B said...

that is totally hilarious!! I also totally understand we have been married 20 years still hoping for me to become a morning person, hasn't happened yet. Did for awhile & of course I have had to get up for work, but I would still prefer staying up late sleeping in the morning!! LOL Mind you I do appreciate the early mornings & times could be changing. I think it depends on what season you are in whether you are a night or a morning person. Mmm my bro & I are alike huh!! xxx

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