Four little peas in a pod to be exact. At this moment at least. Keira is a little to young to acutally play "with" someone. So that leaves three. Three is not even and therefore always seems to leave someone out. It's usually varying who is the one left out. Today Quaid came to me all upset because Ava wouldn't let him in her room with Jentzen and her. Then it was Jentzen who came to me crying at the Children's Museum because Quaid and Ava were running away from him to fast and he couldn't catch up. And the other day it was Ava who came to me crying becasue the boys were being scary tigers and she didn't like it.
But this day...this moment, I should say...they were one big happy family...I LOVE IT!! (Thanks to Uncle Bob for the great gift:) However, I did not love the location of the happy family. Bristle Blocks all over the steps is not ideal...and even worse on all over the bedroom floor when daddy with his big clods has to walk through the room...let's just say that they were promptly cleaned up :)
And yes, Nathan, I did steal your picture again. First one to it wins!!
I love the top picture!!
Definatly frame worthy!
I love your family!
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