Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Did I Miss Something?

I was out today working on the backyard renovations...super frustrated because things weren't going right, so I was already a little on edge. Then out of no where...CRACK!! a rock bounced off my head. It was Jentzen. I sort of exploded on him. I have this thing about my head. I can get hit anywhere else and it's just mildly annoying. But if anyone or thing bumps my head...well, it's just not a pretty sight.

So it was a few hours later. I grabbed him with a big hug so I could apologize to him:

Me: "I'm sorry Jentz, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Do you forgive me?"

Jentzen: "Sure, it's okay Mom."

He has a sweet heart, he forgives so easily and hangs onto nothing.

Me: "Thanks honey, I love you so much."

Jentzen: "I love you too mom, and I'm sorry too mom. Next time I will do better....next time I will throw it over your head."


DWNUNDR said...

thats my boy....

Melanie B said...

Soooooo cute!!! Poor little tyke trying to help & your head got in the way!!! Lol

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