Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Fashion Expert

So my little girl Ava....well she' quite the girly girl when it comes to fashion. We've had more than one occasion that involves her crossing her little arms, sitting herself right down on the floor in a huff and whining...."It doesn't look good on me!!!" And then she changes into something more suitable.

The other day she was in my closet....

Ava: "Mom, I don't like this white shirt."

Me: "Why not?"

Ava: "It doesn't look good on you."

I think I've shared this before...(If I was a good blogger I would have put a label on it and would be able to easily look back...but I'm not so sorry)

So today, I was out raking the yard...ALL DAY. Note to self...and the family year we will find a different place other than the grass to put all the snow...unfortunately the rocks don't melt along with the snow so we ended up with half the driveway in our lawn. So I was on hour number 3 of raking...feeling a bit worn out...sore...sweaty...dirty...

From my beautiful girl, while casually sitting in the lawn resting....

Ava: "Mom, when you're done raking I want you to go in the house and change."

Me: "Why do I need to change?"

Ava: "I don't like you in those clothes, you don't look good in those clothes."

Thanks for the encouragement honey :) At least I know I'll always get an honest opinion!!


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