For all you wives and mothers out there who have sent your husband or kids somewhere to get something, only to find them coming back empty handed stating will full confidence, "It's not there, I looked" and then going yourself only to find the item in .001 seconds flat right where you said it was and told them to look...this is for you!!!
Easter Sunday....I had to work. It was okay because we were having dinner at my mom's so I wouldn't miss out on anything...and a bonus, since I was working, I didn't really have to bake anything. My job was to bring the rolls. I could totally handle I thought.....
I decided to get the Rhodes Bread Balls....I usually just get something that's pre-made and I just have to heat up...but I thought the rising bread balls sounded a little exotic for a Pahl family holiday (we're pretty simple people)....and it felt like I was somewhat baking.

The directions on the bag of rolls said to thaw and let rise for 3-5 hours before dinner, and take 40 minutes to bake. Since I was working it was Nathan's job to get things going. I put the pans out on the counter, along with the spray grease and saran wrap and wrote out the directions and set them right there....FOOL PROOF!!!
I got home from work...Nothing!! The rolls were there sitting in the pan exactly the same size as they started. What??? It was Easter Sunday...nothing open in Jordan...where was I going to get some rolls?? Well I wasn't, there were just going to be no rolls for Easter, not a big deal I guess.
He did call me at work earlier and ask if I wanted him to open up the other bag too. This was a total normal question....I had a half bag leftover from making cinnamon rolls awhile back...I said whatever fits in the pan. I assumed he used those.
When I got home he had done everything correctly. I thought maybe they were just old from being open in the freezer for awhile, or did not sit out long enough. I got the bag out of the freezer to look again at the directions to see if I had misread something. I found most of the bag still big deal because like I said, I had some leftover so I assumed those were used. So off to mom's we big deal. I was in a hurry. So when I got home I thought for sure they would have risen at least a little bit...I glanced quickly...nothing still...oh was late, I was tired, I will deal with them later.
So this morning I look at them again a little bit closer this time...Hhhhmmmm what is that?
Is that a white chocolate chip?!?!?!?
Yep that's right, Nathan had set out my cookie dough balls!!!! We had freezer cooking the day before and for my dessert I had made White chocolate chip, coconut, macadamia nut cookies.

So this morning I went upstairs as I was leaving for work:
Me: "I figured out the problem with the bread put out the cookie dough."
Nath: "Well you showed me the ziploc bag when you were telling me what to do with the rolls."
Me: "Really?"
I knew I didn't. I showed him the bread ball bag...but at 6:30am when he was still half asleep, and I was going to be late to work was really not the time to argue. I know this because I bagged up the cookies when Deb and Wayne were over...and i didn't set out the bread roll stuff till after they there was no way that I would have taken the cookies back out just for, I have redeemed myself of any wrong doing...(Although, I have a feeling someone in the Walkington house might still put up a fight to this air tight alibi....Love you honey :)
To Nathan's defense...the bags are quite similar in appearance, don't you think?? I understand how they could get mixed up :)
And speaking of those oh so yummy cookies...once again...check out our freezer blog. It's gotten a bit more sophisticated since I last mentioned it...Take a look again (and sign the guestbook so we feel loved and important :)
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