Monday, March 30, 2009

Bedtime Secrets

Once again, bedtime came one evening last week. I was walking upstairs with Keira and Ava to put them both to bed. As we were walking up...

Ava: "Mom you don't have to pray for us tonight."

Me: "Really, how come?"

Ava: "Because I don't want you to, and you can tell dad he doesn't have to pray for us either."

Me: "Are you sure? Okay"

An odd comment coming from my girl who ALWAYS wants just one more kiss, or one more cuddle or one more book read...but hey, maybe she had a bit of the "big girl fever"...not needing mom anymore...I just continued on with getting Keira ready while the other kids hopped into bed.

Then mid-diaper change Quaid comes in...

Quaid: "Mom, you don't have to come in and kiss me goodnight."

Me: "Why?"

Quaid: "I'm really tired mom, I'm going right to sleep."

Me: "Really?"

Quaid, "Yeah and you can tell dad he doesn't have to come in either....I'm really tired"

hhhhmmmmmm...both kids have told me not to come into the room. Do you think just maybe there might be a reason why they don't want us to come in??

Me: "Is there a reason you don't want us to come in Quaid?"

No answer to that...he had shimmied his little self right out of the room before I could finish....

I then go walking into their bedroom (obviously they are up to something) and find Ava's pillow and blankets, Quaid's pillow and blankets under the bed....and what else was under there??

Quaid and Ava!!!

Even though they were being sneaky little least I know that they haven't grown out of their bedtime kisses!!


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