This one goes awhile back...pretty sure it was around a year ago. Ava was around 2 1/2. I had put the kids to bed and was relaxing on the couch when I hear, "Mommy!"
I went into Ava's room to find her awake in her bed pulling on her ear.
Ava: "Earring, Earring."
I check her ear and sure enough it's gone. It was a cheapo one that I had to keep pushing the back on so it wouldn't fall I wasn't surprised it was missing. What did surprise me however was the conversation that would follow.
Me: "Where is your earring? Did it fall out?"
Ava: "Yeah."
Me: "Is it here in your bed somewhere?"
Ava: "No"
Me: "Well then were did you lose it?"
Ava: "Eat it."
Me: (believing she got her words mixed up) "Ava, where is your earring?"
Ava: (pointing to her tummy) "In my tummy."
Me: (a look of shock came over me) "You ATE your earring???"
Ava: "Yep"
Me: "Did you swallow it?" (still thinking she must be confused)
Ava: "Eat it."
Me: "Ava, you didn't eat your earring?!?!"
Ava: "Yeah....Eat it."
Sure enough, it was no where to be found in her bed. So the next day.......
Heck no! Did you really think I would go looking for it?!?! I figured if there were no symptoms of pain it must had made it's way through, and I was going to leave it at that!
There was another evening round about the same time in her life, she was put to bed with a gummi bear as a treat. Again, I was called into her room.
Ava: "Bear, Bear!"
Me: "I already gave you gummi bears, Ava."
Ava: "Nose."
Me: "Ava did you stick your gummi bear in your nose??"
Ava: "Yeah."
I turned on the light and sure enough, there it was...lodged in the right nostril. I could see that it was half chewed. I thought it might cause a little problem, being all mushy and sticky. I debated for a second what to do...get a tweezer, get a toothpick, get a Q-tip. I started from the top and squeezed down. There it came squishing out. Great! No tools needed! She did fuss a bit because she didn't get to eat it, that took a little explaining and a new gummi bear. Better that than a trip to the ER!!!
HAHAHA. Karen, you should write these into a blog, they are fuuny!
my blog is...
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